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+48 513 025 144

Contact us

Strzelecka 26

Świnoujście, West Pomeranian Voivodeship​

Office of Chartered Accountant Elżbieta Łojek

Slajd #1

Comprehensive accounting services​

Slajd #2

​ Tax consultancy

Slajd #3


EPONA - Office of Chartered Accountant Elżbieta Łojek provides you with access to the latest technologies and innovative solutions in the area of management support.
ENOVA 365 is an electronic accounting services platform used by our office, ensuring constant access to financial data both to you and our office. Every possible aspect of your current financial situation will be available to you at any stage that you deem to be important.

We provide solutions supporting the decision-making process in respect of on-going operations of your business and the direction of its development. We continually monitor changes in tax laws and business-related regulations in order to ensure your complete security in this regard.

In our everyday work we combine experience, knowledge and professional passion.

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